Store with digital products, EUR 150k net profit (CH company, but 70% DE turnove
URL: Privat
more information after signing the NDA.
About the company:
- We sell an online store with digital products and EUR 150k net profit.
- Over 50% repurchase rate
- Customers are from DACH
- Purchase price is EBITDA multiple of 6 = 900k
- The store belongs to a Swiss company. Only a "share deal" is possible, i.e. the takeover of the company shares. However, the business works regardless of location. The company can also be purchased as a financial investment and the current owner will continue to operate the business.
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Buyer Protection
Seller: | RaphaelR17Ventures |
Published on: | 28.03.2024 |
Seller last active: | last month |
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