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Calculate Website Value - Find out the value of your website for free.

Calculate the value of your website for free and benefit from our experience since 2010

We calculate the value of your website based on your data using the modified discounted cash flow method. The discounted cash flow method is a well-founded scientific method the company valuation, which encompasses and evaluates a company holistically. We have adjusted the calculation method so that so that we can also evaluate websites using this method.

Website Value Calculator
Hours spent per week
You must also set an hourly rate for yourself.
What percentage of taxes does your company usually pay?
Earnings (minus expenses) before taxes
Earnings (minus expenses) before taxes
Earnings (minus expenses) before taxes
Earnings (minus expenses) before taxes
What is the risk (in percent) that the forecast revenue will not be realised?

The discounted cash flow method, also known as the DCF method, is a scientifically based and widespread method of company valuation. With this method, future payment surpluses (also known as cash flow) are discounted to the valuation date using the cost of capital (e.g. interest).

Risk factors of a website

We have no capital costs when evaluating a website because we are only evaluating a digital asset and not a company. However, the future earnings of a website have a greater risk factor, which we consider when evaluating a website have to take into account.

The blocking of a website or an online business by Google, by Facebook, by Amazon, by PayPal or by a other platform operators would effectively mean the death of a website or at least massively reduce the website's income. We have to take these and other risk factors, such as cybercrime, into account when evaluating a website.

Since we cannot calculate the risk factor for every website, you have to assess the risk factor for your website yourself. Usually we go from a risk factor of 30%.

Value does not equal price.

Just because we calculate the value of your website doesn't mean you can sell your website for that amount. We calculate the value based on your information, however, the price is what a buyer is willing to pay for your website. The price can be higher than the calculated value or lower than the calculated value.