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Schnelle Brillen / Sunglasses webshop - No marketing spend, only organic sales

No marketing spend, only organic sales


For sale is a Wix store with trending sunglasses, called Schnelle Brillen. I started the shop in the summer of 2017 in Amsterdam NL and it provided me a good income when I was studying. Now I have another project, which is my main focus, so I would like to sell it.

The first brand ever to use the name Schnelle Brillen:https://www.youtube.com/watchv=vwJMymeBEdk&t=276s
Mainly active in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. Domain names: schnellebrillen.nl, .de, .au, .ch, and lunettesdevitesse.fr
No employees
Unique branding.
Sales 2020: € 11151
2021: € 18804 
2022: € 52627
2023: € 26525

- NO ADS SPEND, JUST ORGANIC SALES: Being the first webshop selling 'schnelle Brillen', the website is ranked very high in Google.
 - Wix subscription & domain name

 On sale is:
- Domain
- Wix
- Inventory (value: €1,000)
- Dealer contacts
- Facebook/Instagram page
- TikTok account

Let me know if you have any questions and we can schedule a call when you are interested: info@schnellebrillen.nl

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Seller: Schnellebrillen
Published on:06.03.2024
Seller last active:last week


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