We have continuously expanded since 2020 and increased our sales. In 2023 we achieved sales of over € 400,000 and growth continues. With a presence on different platforms, we are well positioned to expand into the booming e-commerce market. We are looking for an investor or partner who shares our vision and supports us to bring our business to the next level. Contact us now to learn more.
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- The interested buyer submits a bid and starts the negotiation.
- The seller can reject the bid, accept it or submit a counter bid.
- If an agreement is reached after the negotiations, Mabya will take action.
- The buyer receives an invoice from Mabya and must transfer the purchase price to Mabya.
- After receipt of payment, the seller transfers the website to the buyer.
- The buyer confirms receipt of the website and approves the payout to seller.
- Mabya transfers the purchase price to the seller.
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